About The Unity Dev Lab

Before I had heard of Unity I worked as a digital designer producing mini games and animations that could be placed on websites and downloaded as applications (more on my career here) . As it is now 2019 – new skills equals new opportunities. Armed with my Yellow Belt Certificate in Unity and my 9 years + commercial design experience, Unity will be my tool of choice for 2019 and Unity Dev Lab the place to show the fruits of my effort.

The Unity Developer Lab was created because...

My Unity projects needed a place to live so that is why I designed built the Unity Dev Lab, it is a place my work and experiences. The snippets are completely free and I intend to add more in the future should there be interest. The snippets are just bite sized pieces of code which can be taken away and added to you project. You can find the Unity Snippets Here.


Show me the C Sharp snippets! | Or take me to the games page

A Candid History | Before I started to learn Unity 3D for 2D Purposes

My earliest experience of Unity Software was in 2017 but before embarking on my journey into Unity Development I trained as a Graphic & Website designer using Adobe Flash to create games, banners, and animations. Then progress happened, things changed and the humble smartphone game along and changed how browser game was view forever. You can still make applications in flash (now animate) and HTML5 but other software and how this media in used has changed. For the fore sable future I will be looking to combine both my knowledge of creative design and development and see what comes back. If you are a new dev, designer or hobbyist I recommend getting downloading unity software and having a try.



Are you looking to network as a Unity Developer? As it stands there is no opportunities available but I am more than happy to receive CV's and portfolio's. Lets develop something amazing for the future.


lthough work isn't available for the immediate future feel free get in touch by contacting jimmsdesign.

Say Hello

Know C# or are looking for help on a Game?

If you are a freelance coding heavy weight of developer looking for work feel to drop a line. If you are are looking for help you your latest game also feel free to drop get in touch

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Number : 07707 077744