1.1 Unity Dev Lab Is commited to responsible data management and subscribe to the principals of the data protection legislation in the United Kingdom and EU. Unity Dev Lab is committed to maintaining the privacy of its users and maintaining the security of any personal information received from you. If you register for any of the services (Example: Newsletter) you will be asked to provide basic personal information which will not be shared willingly or distributed. The information provided by you is not available for sale or use by third parties. The information is used solely for notifying you (the webuser) of updates to portfolios, newsletters, project information and PDF promotions.
1.2 (Unity Dev Lab) uses a technology called "cookies" as part of our normal business procedure to track patterns of behaviour of visitors to the Website. A cookie is an element of data that the Website sends to your browser that is then stored on your system. You can set your browser to prevent this happening. Any information collected in this way can be used to identify you unless you change your browser settings.
1.3 Protecting Your Data : We take precautions to protect your information. When you submit sensitive information via the website, your information is protected both online and offline. We only use this data to perform specific jobs (for example, billing or customer service) are granted access to personally identifiable information. The computers/servers in which we store personally identifiable information are kept in a secure environment. If you wish to contact me about your private data be in stored in secure third party or on a secure device feel free to contact Jimmsdesign for further information : - Email
1.4 Your Access to and Control Over Information : You may 'opt ou't of any future contacts from Unity Dev Lab at any time. You can do the following at any time by contacting jimmsdesign (Unity Dev Lab) via the email address or phone number given on the website(s) (http://www.jimmsdesign.co.uk/ ):
- See what data I have about you, if any.
- Change/correct any data we have about you.
- Have (Unity Dev Lab) delete any data we have about you.
- Express any concern you have about our use of your data.
1.5 Your right to be forgotten : In accordance with the EU law which came into play on May the 25th 2018, you may ask to have your data amended or removed from my client database be it on 3rd party software or locally
1.7 Data Retention : Obsolete or defunct numbers, addresses and email addresses will be removed from the all and any of the data bases. Please take into consideration certain details may need to be held for tax purposes.
Links to other websites
Our website may contain links to other websites of interest. However, once you have used these links to leave our site, you should note that we do not have any control over that other website contains. Therefore, we cannot be responsible for the protection and privacy of any information which you provide whilst visiting such sites and such sites are not governed by this privacy statement. You should exercise caution and look at the privacy statement applicable to the website in question.
Right to be forgotten
Following the latest EU law as of May 25th 2018 it is your right to have any or all of your data erased from my records be it physical or digital. Please take into account though if you are an existing customer this will make challenging for me to contact you.
3rd Party Software
Unity Dev Lab uses external software to run the process, marketing and functionality of this website. An overview of this processes (Data Processors) and services are listed below. For further information on these 3rd party companies please email the website owner:-
- Hosting & Domain : (Jimmsdesign) Unity Dev Lab is a sub domain and is hosted with a trustworthy company based with in the UK. Should any technical issues, redirects, maintenance, data breaches or unforeseen issues arise with our service provider we cannot be held accountable for any damage to data, hardware or information that is beyond (Jimmsdesign's) Unity Dev Labs control. We take security seriously and will inform you of any notifications at the earliest opportunity.
- Email Marketing : Unity Dev Lab uses a 3rd party software to send out bulk emails to prospective and existing clients to notify them of changes to; projects, portfolios, canvassing for work, newsletters and promotions. Our service provider is a reputable, secure and reliable company. Although every effort is made to take care your data we cannot be held liable for security breaches from is service provider itself. If you are unsure or do not want your data to exist on this service providers system please contact – (http://www.jimmsdesign.co.uk/Contact-a-designer.html) and we will amend or remove your data. You can also unsubscribe through email provider.
- Analytics :
Unity Dev Lab uses Google Analytics to study how users interact or engage with the website. This Services is used by (Unity Dev Lab) to improve future content, learn and develop the website for new releases. It should be mentioned that Google Analytics, the Data Provider, stores your IP address using cookies, If you do not wish for Google Analytics to track your activity you can either block cookies from your security settings in your browser or navigate away from (website)
Adsense is an advertising platform with their own Privacy Policy. Advertising is used to earn additional revenue through impressions and clicks from where commission is paid. Adsense uses cookie data to offer targeted and relevant data. It does not harvest personal information for malicious use. Although Unity Dev Lab uses Adsense service. If you do not wish to have adsense display you use an Ad blocker or adjust your privacy settings.
* It is also advised that you read through our service providers Privacy Policies
Unity Dev Lab does not :-
- Retain client or customer passwords
- Hold irrelevant non-business based personal information
- Share passwords, numbers, names, clients details other personal information with other clients.
- Store more data than is needed
- Use client data to carry out, false or devious activity
Unity Dev Lab Does :-
- Use client data, to maintain, inform and sustain communications during live / active projects
- Use Data to seek or canvas for work
- Use Data to show latest projects, send emails, send PDF's and contact prospective clients
- Use 'Active' or live (active being current, or recently finished) clients data to contact to request
payment for work
- Requires the retention of pieces of data for tax purposes
- Use client data to postpone or decline work, either by email or phone
- Use data to collaborate on existing projects
- Take active steps in securing your data both using encrypted folders, checking information is up to date and storing your data.
Please take into account that (Unity Dev Lab) may extend, remove, or use alternative technologies which are not mentioned above. Should you require future information please contact us
if you have previously agreed to us using your personal information for direct marketing purposes, you may change your mind at any time by writing to or emailing us at [Contact]
Thank you for reading
If you are a freelance coding heavy weight of developer looking for work feel to drop a line. If you are are looking for help you your latest game also feel free to drop get in touch